Tuesday, July 15, 2008

When in Texas, you gotta have Rudy's

Rudy's billboard states that they have the worst barbecue in Texas. You think that stops people from going all the way to Leon Springs, just out of San Antonio? Nope! In fact, it attracts tourists and locals all the same and even more I say!

Rudy's is no sophisticated restaurant. You eat outside exposed to the weather, which is hot and hotter in San Antonio. There are tables inside their "country store" where it's air conditioned but I think that tales away from the rustic ambiance that I love about Rudy's.

Personally, I love their ribs, their sausage and of course, their beef brisket. You gotta have the beef brisket. My cousins came for a visit one time and the first thing they wanted to do was eat beef brisket and Texas bar-b-q. Apparently, Texas bar-b-q and beef brisket are part of the "when in Texas" list of things. And so we came to discover Rudy's.

But the best of Rudy's menu is definitely the cream corn. You can't eat at Rudy's and not fall in love with their cream corn. It's such a feast for the palate, it will leave you wanting more!

So remember, if you're ever in Texas, don't forget, you gotta have Rudy's!

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