Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Boracay Escapade: Day4

Injury strikes!

After a muscle spasm hit my partner in crime while lounging on the Boracay Regency Hotel beachfront, we thought it better to take it easy.

So we canceled our scheduled jet ski adventure and didn't have anything to do for the day. I took it upon myself to catch some extra zzzzz's since I haven't been sleeping enough....being nocturnal and not wanting to not wake up early enough, afraid of missing so much and regretting it until the day.....well you get the picture.

Paquiao's fight kept us entertained late part of the morning and well into early afternoon. It was such a delight to see Manny really work it out on the ring, it was a good fight. Of course it got even better when he won via knock-out. It happened so fast, and the camera was in the wrong angle that we had to keep our eyes on several replays before we finally saw how it really happened.

A Celebrex, a Tramal and 2 Salonpas' later, Pedro was feeling a lot better and was ready for the Jet-skiing adventure. (Note to self: when you find someone that can give you discounts on the overpriced Bora activities.....get his contact number!). Nevertheless, we found our guy and off we went.

It was so much fun! But I was scared to drive on my own....I have a fear of drowning so it didn't matter they kept telling me about how easy it was, that I have a life jacket on anyways, etc...etc. I have panic attacks and I forget how to swim.....So I just rode with Pedro for half an hour, and left the remaining half-hour for him to enjoy on his own.

There's a lot more fun things to do in Boracay, if your body can handle it. There's Fly Fish and Banana Boat, Sailing to the sunset, of course Jet-skiing and Parasailing. And who can forget the good old Island Hopping!

Boracay Escapade: Day5

Flying out of Boracay at 2pm on day 5, we decided we would just chill out and take more pictures. We haven't seen and photographed the "landmark" Friday's sign yet and although the lady selling postcards told us it was about 45 minutes from our hotel, we thought to ourselves, that had to be an exaggeration. Well, it wasn't what with the frequent stops for photos and a bit of rest in between...it took us at least an hour. By the time we got there, not only was it already drizzling to a point where our cameras were getting wet, it was time to head back if we wanted to be at the airport in time. So...no Friday's sign....and some gloomy photos to add to the memorabilia. Nevertheless, the walk along 2nd and 1st stations were serene and calming, it was still worth it. So that concludes my great Boracay adventure.....

When in Texas, you gotta have Rudy's

Rudy's billboard states that they have the worst barbecue in Texas. You think that stops people from going all the way to Leon Springs, just out of San Antonio? Nope! In fact, it attracts tourists and locals all the same and even more I say!

Rudy's is no sophisticated restaurant. You eat outside exposed to the weather, which is hot and hotter in San Antonio. There are tables inside their "country store" where it's air conditioned but I think that tales away from the rustic ambiance that I love about Rudy's.

Personally, I love their ribs, their sausage and of course, their beef brisket. You gotta have the beef brisket. My cousins came for a visit one time and the first thing they wanted to do was eat beef brisket and Texas bar-b-q. Apparently, Texas bar-b-q and beef brisket are part of the "when in Texas" list of things. And so we came to discover Rudy's.

But the best of Rudy's menu is definitely the cream corn. You can't eat at Rudy's and not fall in love with their cream corn. It's such a feast for the palate, it will leave you wanting more!

So remember, if you're ever in Texas, don't forget, you gotta have Rudy's!